Monday, 15 August 2011

The Principles of Passion

Twice have I mentioned the ways of the heart, but only once will I mention the principles of passion. Spontaneity, for who calculates their passion extinguishes it. Individuality, for how can you arouse the passions of your lover if your own elude you. Heat, for passion served cold is naught but the venom of spite and malice. Arousal, for passion without arousal is like the sun during its eclipse. Courage for passion isn't for the weak of heart or hesitant. Liberation, for no soul is trapped when passion is the horse of its chariot. Surrender, for only to the arms of your beloved will passion release you. These are its principles; unleash it. For without passion, your prayers are not answered.

-Codex of Love, Reflection from the Heart of Ishtar

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