The final passage of the Codex of love.
O seeker. here is the seal of the Codex: A heart that bleeds with love is healed by love. A soul that yearns with love will fly with the doves. Remember that love is the teacher of life. She teaches through joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure, passion and coldness. Pain and pleasure give birth to ecstasy, joy and sorrow to rapture, heat and coldness to life. If you lose faith in My words, love what you behold and hope will join you. Remember love bears a two-edges sword; embrace him and she will unite you; deny him and she will remind you. O seeker, if you ask who is Ishtar, look at the stars, they will tell you My story. If you ask where is Ishtar, look deep within your eyes and you shall see Me. If your mind says I don't believe in Ishtar. dwell on the image of your beloved and you will remember Me. In the heart of every man and a woman is a star. Seek it and you shall know Me. I am Ishtar and I love you.
-Codex of :Love
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