Friday 23 December 2011

Secrets of the Vulva

In the Vulva there are many secrets hidden; they can only be discovered with stillness and contemplation. Let thine sweet lips create the ecstasy.

The Codex of Love, Reflections from the Heart of Ishtar

Thursday 10 November 2011


I will share with you a secret. No hope can be found in a life devoid of peace. Now that you know, I will ask. To how many lives have you brought peace and to how many hearts hope? If you can but do, joy will be the reward. Bring a smile to a lonely heart and your name the dove will always cry.

Codex of Love, Reflections from the Heart of Ishtar

He who desires passion

He who desires love and increase of passion, let him remember that silence is the first step toward unity, and touch is the key to intimacy.

Codex of Love, Reflections from the Heart of Ishtar


Love, like a sword, must always be kept clean and sharp, lest it be covered with dullness and rust.

Codex of Love, Reflections from the Heart of Ishtar

Sunday 4 September 2011

The temple of love

Time has passed since the ancient temples of love have been erected. Today the world has erected other shrines made of stone. Love had been sold cheap to all bidders. I remind all that love cannot be bought, but exists in the hearts and minds of all that love. Make your room a shrine, let the smell of roses descend as you lie in the arms of ecstasy. Remind yourself that unless you give yourself in love there is no shrine.

Codex of Love, Reflections from the Heart of Ishtar.

Wednesday 17 August 2011

The Rose of Life

Seven are the petals of love. Seven are the ways of the heart. Seven are the principles of passion. Seven are the methods of intimacy. Seven are the truths of ecstasy. Seven are the pains of rapture. One is the embrace of light. Who knows of them, knows the forty-nine petalled rose of Life, and the seven visions of God.

Codex of love, Reflections from the Heart of Ishtar

Monday 15 August 2011

The Principles of Passion

Twice have I mentioned the ways of the heart, but only once will I mention the principles of passion. Spontaneity, for who calculates their passion extinguishes it. Individuality, for how can you arouse the passions of your lover if your own elude you. Heat, for passion served cold is naught but the venom of spite and malice. Arousal, for passion without arousal is like the sun during its eclipse. Courage for passion isn't for the weak of heart or hesitant. Liberation, for no soul is trapped when passion is the horse of its chariot. Surrender, for only to the arms of your beloved will passion release you. These are its principles; unleash it. For without passion, your prayers are not answered.

-Codex of Love, Reflection from the Heart of Ishtar

Key to Romance

It is not the words that you speak that are the keys to romance, but it is the intimacy that your heart hides between them.

-Codex of Love, Reflection from the Heart of Ishtar

Thursday 11 August 2011

The Gates of Heaven

The Gates of heaven stand open before those that know light. The gate is opened to all those that know love. The gates are open to those that showed mercy to the poor. The gates are open to all children and those that are old. The gates are open to those who value life. The gates are closed to all those who peddle the Law of Heaven. The gates are closed to those whose hearts are cold and mercy is a weakness, compassion is a vice, and love is for fools. Now you know, walk through the gates.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

The 10 Commandments of Ishtar

Who comes between the lover and beloved? I am the beloved and you are My love. They say gods, I say God. They say father, I say I am. I am thy father and I am your mother. I am the King and the Queen. I am that I am. I am YHVH. I am Ishtar. I am the first and I am the last. I am thy breath and thy sigh. I am the tear and the cry. I hear your prayer before your lips utter it. I am love and wrath. I am justice and truth. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

What words can capture the essence of love? What truth can be portrayed by the stroke of brushes? What life can you capture in stone? What brilliance is there to a lie? What faith can you put in a shooting star? Thou shalt not make unto you a graven image.

If the angel poured all the blood shed in the name of Heaven, the sea would be red. If the angels covered the earth with every coin harvested in the name of Heaven, there shall be no sand. If the angels placed every law struck by man in the name of Heaven, My scales would break. If the angels wrote of every evil sowed by man in the name of Heaven, the pen would be dry. Did you all not hear? Thou shall not take the name of thy God in vain.

Have you heard of the day of the rest? I descend to weigh the hearts of men. I descend to honor the sorrows of women. It is a day your Father honored your Mother. It is a night for a man to please his love. This is the time angels shed blood to protect your children. Let the day of the star be a day of prayer. Let the noon of sorrow be an afternoon of peace. Let the eve of the moon be her loving treat. Keep the Sabbath.

Your Father sprung forth life. Your Mother sprung forth love. Their union in heaven sprung forth light. Each child born is the seed of this union. You are the gardeners of this seed. Once the seed grows, it will become but another gardener. If you nourish it, it will nourish another. If you desecrate it, it will desecrate another. When you behold the seeds remember the commandment: Honor thy Father and thy Mother.

All darkness bows before the flicker of a light. All despair dissolves before the flicker of a hope. All sorrow departs before the flicker of a joy. All loneliness fades before the flicker of love. All doves sing before the flicker of peace. It is only a flicker, so do not kill.

When two hearts mate, little room is left for a second, let alone a third. When two bodies mate, their fire is fuelled by each other's touch. When two minds name, a third is formed. Marriage is when two souls mate to give birth to another. For heart mates, love will grow as they proclaim it for all to see. For body mates, passion will grow as their skin is touched by the many fingers of innocence. For mind mates, knowledge will grow as the child teaches the parents. Marriage will grow as the souls ascend, mated in heart, body, and mind. So, commit not adultery.

A dream is like a shining jewel. A lover is like a brilliant ruby. A faith is like a rare emerald. The blessings of Light are like brilliant stones. Those that hold them are like children. Who are they that rob children of their dreams? Thou shalt not steal.

Words of Truth are like fruits with many healthy seeds. Each seed will grow and carry many fruits. All of you share the same garden. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

In each of you is a shrine. Within the shrine is an altar. On this altar rests faith. With faith comes peace. In peace rises joy. With joy, an increase in passion. Within its fire is ecstasy. Through ecstasy grows faith. This faith is placed in what every heart holds dear. Do not covet thy neighbor.

These are commandments given then and given now. They were given to the poorest nation and are now given to all nations. Truth is truth. Do you feel it, O men of faith?


Truth, My children, is not an epic or an enigma. It is not filled with moral seeds or the judgment of minds. It can't be explained by words or measured by numbers. It need not be discovered or realized. Truth is what a lie isn't. Truth engulfs a heart embraced by love. I now share with you a truth. Love is real; let it be your faith.

Codex of Love,
Reflections from the Heart of Ishtar


There are many truths in ecstasy. Seven are it dimensions. The first truth of of ecstasy is understanding divinity. The second truth is understanding humanity. The third truth is understanding time and illusion. The fourth truth is overcoming desire and its delusions. The fifth truth is the principles of unity. The sixth truth of ecstasy is the voice of music. The last truth of ecstasy is ecstasy. In ecstasy is truth. Truth devoid of ecstasy is a lie

Codex of Love,
Reflections from the Heart of Ishtar

and Omega

The final passage of the Codex of love.

O seeker. here is the seal of the Codex: A heart that bleeds with love is healed by love. A soul that yearns with love will fly with the doves. Remember that love is the teacher of life. She teaches through joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure, passion and coldness. Pain and pleasure give birth to ecstasy, joy and sorrow to rapture, heat and coldness to life. If you lose faith in My words, love what you behold and hope will join you. Remember love bears a two-edges sword; embrace him and she will unite you; deny him and she will remind you. O seeker, if you ask who is Ishtar, look at the stars, they will tell you My story. If you ask where is Ishtar, look deep within your eyes and you shall see Me. If your mind says I don't believe in Ishtar. dwell on the image of your beloved and you will remember Me. In the heart of every man and a woman is a star. Seek it and you shall know Me. I am Ishtar and I love you.

-Codex of :Love

Sunday 7 August 2011

The Alpha

I thought it only fitting that I start with Ishtar's first message.

"O seeker of love and passion, live, for they are life, laugh, for they are joy, cry, for in them is pain of truth."