Monday, 12 November 2012

Finding a lover (for women)

If a woman desires a lover, she should gather seven seashells in My name. Under the light of the moon, let her place a raisin in each one. Holding them close to her chest, recite on each of them the seven ways of the heart. Let her carry them close to her heart and wait for the heat. If she questions the sign, let her listen closer in silence. Once she has conquered her fears, let her hand him the raisins to eat.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

The playground of love

The world is the playground of love; know its rules and play its game. Worry not what others may think, for only love can judge you. It is not how many lovers you have, but how many lovers you have tended to. When the flame of love dies, so does the bond of marriage. Therefore, those that quit the labors of their hands are the poor among you. Enrich your spirit with joy, your heart with love, and your labors with its cause.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012


I will share with you a secret. No hope can be found in a life devoid of peace. Now that you know, I will ask. To how many lives have you brought peace and to how many hearts hope? If you can but do, joy will be be the reward. Bring a smile to a lonely heart and your name the dove will always cry.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

The Temple

The feet of a woman are the hands of her intimacy. Her legs are the pillars to her sanctuary. The two-fold gate has to be unlocked from within and without. The arch is the triangle of her water and the symbol of her power. The womb must be explored or her garden will not bloom. The breasts are the king and queen of her palace. They need many greetings and words of worship. Her hands are the feet of her intimacy; handle them with tenderness. The neck is the hidden sanctuary, it you must always purify with your tongue, and consecrate with your breath. This is the temple of the Gods. You know now how best to prey.

Codex of Love, Reflections from the Heart of Ishtar